Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Collage experiment #2: Hair Beyond Words

Collage Experiments, cont.
I'm experimenting with layering and materials here. The base coat is acrylic colors on a cut sheet of canvas paper. As the paint was drying, I laid cut magazine pieces on the semi-wet paint, so they stuck. Then I tried painting over this with another (watered down) layer of acrylic paint. So, I may want to go out and buy some gel or top finishing laquer layer of some sort to give this an overall sheen and glue the cut papers down more permanently.

Re: Composition itself
I need to incorporate some actual art skills here to make whatever the focal point is of greater visual interest in these collages. A pencil sketch ahead of time wouldn't hurt. I'm continuing to use the cut-out crescent shape motif. I could be arranging these pieces in a more visually compelling way.

Re: subject...As I looked at this the next morning, I realized that seeing hair like this on a reddish background invokes a bloody scalp - yechh. This was certainly not my intention. Maybe I should paint a gold halo around the hair? Better or worse....hmmmm. Time to move on to something else I think.

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