Friday, August 1, 2008

More leaves, in bright finger paint colors

I'm drawn to leaves...what can I say. All the leaves used in this painting were from my yard. This was another one of a series of leaf-related paintings I painted several months ago (about the same time I did the green painting of leaves below...(See June 5, 08 entry.)

Fork and Leaves - Magazine Picture Cut-Outs

I cut out two distinct images -- a hand and a fork -- and put them in various positions on the scanner bed (and added some real leaves in two of these). So simple, yet somehow gratifying. All these collage practice squares need are silly titles.

In counter-clockwise order, starting with bottom right:

1.) Hand and Fork in the Country (using reverse side of magazine pages)
2.) Tussling over the Green
3.) All Points Bulletin
4.) Finger & Fork Weave, w/ some Leaves